We were having lunch, just the two of us, DH was off to Dubai on business trip. I was missing him terribly.
Out of nowhere, she said,"Abah is happy."
Really? I wondered.
"What about you?"
"Not happy." she said a matter of factly.
"And umi?"
"Not happy," she declared.
(We were both missing him that Friday where we would normally have lunch as a family.)
I was curious, so I texted my DH.
"Your child says that you are happy. Hope you are having a great time."
And his replied was, "My daughter is psychic."
Apparently he was happy because the meetings were over.
The beauty of the uncluttered mind. How instincts have priority over knowledge and logic.
Its just amazing how she would just know when I would leave her or when my mind is preoccupied with something else. Just this afternoon, as she was having her afternoon nap, I decided that I would take the afternoon bus out. Just as I grabbed my bag, she woke up and cried for me.
I will remember that you have strong instincts my child.
And I hope your instincts will bring wealth and abundance to your life my love, not just material things but wisdom, love,golden opportunities and friendship too.
Guess what I found when my back was turned?
Her first attempt at wearing lipstick. Perhaps you'll get better as you grow older?
I have learnt the hard way to sorok all my lipsticks!
my guess is she took the most expensive and your fav one...
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