Saturday, December 11, 2004

The helicopters are still at it

I can still hear them everyday now. Apparently its for our own security. Especially after the Jeddah attack. Some residents have been told by their companies not to leave the premises after dark. Are we barricading ourselves in?

I haven't gone out since the weekend. Not that I am afraid of terrorist or the attacks but rather I have been down with flu.

Had some guests over on Wednesday night. One couple was two nurses and they told us of interesting stories of the people they encountered with in their ward.

The other was another couple with whom we often hung out with.

Could it be because we have similar mindsets, enjoyed the same jokes that we enjoyed each others' company so much? Or that we are couples without children that we are children ourselves, that we get to enjoy a simple weekend dinner without worrying if the kids are OK at home or if it was past their bedtime or if the food suited the kids.

Could it be if we chose our friends by the simple fact that they are very similar with us, in this case people with no children?

I found that it is true for me in the compound as well. There aren't that many single young people here in the first place. Not ladies anyways. The ladies would have been housed at ladies only compounds. But I found that most of the people I hung out with most often are those coupled without children.

Perhaps it because those with children would be too busy feeding and putting their children to bed anyways. And they would be exhausted at the end of the day themselves. And we wouldn't understand have of their problems or jokes. Or wouldn't we? Or won't we?

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