Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I would like to apologize about yesterday's blog.

Perhaps I am premenstrual, perhaps it was just my test before the big journey or just perhaps.

Anyways I was just trying to release some pent up feelings and somehow Allah showed me some light today and that matter has been resolved for me.

I do not know if I will be able to put up any more entries before my Big journey. If I don't please wish me well. I will (Insyallah) be embarking on a journey of the spiritual kind. As it stands there has been several tests even before the main journey. We hope that we dealt with it as best as we could with the purest of intentions.

Some friends and neighbours did ask me a few days ago, at what point or when did I decide that I wanted to make this journey. I guess it was a few months ago. Well actually we did decide last year although for me it was a verbalized promise rather than a spiritual one. But slowly it has become a real commitment, and now it it close to becoming a reality.

For me, the journey of life is a short one. I don't know when it will be time for me to go. Thus I would like to embrace all oppurtunities given to me while I still can, while it is still open for me. For I do not want to despair in the future, remembering that I was presented with many oppurtunities, none of which I took advantage of.

Hopefully this would be a journey which I would be given many future oppurtunities to partake. In my opinion, sometimes its about the "Seru" or "calling" that one gets the oppurtunity to go. And not everyone gets the oppurtunity or the "calling."

For those who know me, I would like to apologize if I have hurt or offended you in any way.

For those who don't thanks for reading my blog.

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