Monday, July 03, 2006

The exodus has begun

The weather has been unbearably hot. I tried taking the bus to a new Mall the other day and ended up with a terrible headache. With temperatures close to 50oC the days are long and dry, and the nights just somewhat bearable.

Almost everyone has gone! We were meant to fly off last week as well but couldn’t make it given the circumstances. Z just told me the other day that it was impossible to get tickets to go back to Malaysia. The only option she had was to fly with Air Lanka. Emirates has imposed all sorts of taxes on their tickets adding a whopping RM1,000 to the cost of their tickets. But that didn’t deter people from flying with them. They are still fully booked.

We did think of going someplace near, perhaps to Dubai but as N told me, its so expensive, I just needed to add a few hundred Rms and we could go to Cyprus.

Even the Holy City is busy and crowded at the moment. Friends told us that the Hotels are fully booked.

Reading Elisa’s I want to go somewhere reinforces what I have been feeling for the past few weeks. I haven’t left this country for almost a year now and its been 18 months since we went anywhere. Yes we too wanted to visit the pyramids and take a cruise up the Nile.

One of these days I hope we can go somewhere. Soonish. We have postponed that round-the-world trip too many times that perhaps I don’t see it happening in the near future. Its not his fault, he suggested that we do it a couple of times already but I the practical side of me told him that I’m not comfortable spending the money on the trip when we have a mortgage to pay for.

And there is always that Should we go for *a nice long holiday* or should we *go home to visit our family and friends*?

Ahh the economies of limited resources!

But I guess this time round we would have to go home. Whatever it is, I too look forward to go someplace but here.

For now, I just have to appease myself by looking forward to the SALE season here.


elisataufik said...

the thing is, even the sale can't appease my restlessness, sebab still kena tunggu cik abang balik to drive us all.
Nantilah bila Izani besar sikit.. akan ku gendong dia bersama.. ;)

Lollies said...

same here. so much hutang to pay. :(